About the author
Gerald Roliz, CNC, MBA, MSACN is a former pharmaceutical sales representative who is now a Functional Nutrition Consultant.
He holds undergraduate degrees from U.C. Berkeley in Psychology and Molecular & Cell Biology. He completed his MBA degree in Taiwan, his Master in Applied Clinical Nutrition from Northeast College of Health Sciences. He worked in the pharmaceutical industry as a pharmaceutical sales representative for 5 years where he educated medical doctors on the Drug to Drug interactions, adverse side effects, and withdrawal syndrome caused by many of the commonly prescribed pharmaceutical medications. In 2010, he founded the The Healing Body Institute and began training natural health practitioners in Functional Nutrition. He has practiced and mentored many practitioners in San Ramon, CA at the Waterman Chiropractic Center. He is currently the clinic director at the Natural Health Improvement Center where he works with patients in clinic and virtually across the United States. Gerald is a regular guest lecturer at the top Traditional Chinese Medicine Universities, Chiropractic Colleges and Naturopathic Universities.