Making of the book

Ever since his childhood, Gerald Roliz, CNC, MBA, MSACN has been on a quest to optimize his own health.

In high school, he studied which foods to eat to enhance his cognitive skills to enable him to score high on college entrance exams. While attending college, he studied Molecular Biology to understand the unseen activities within the body’s cells. After graduation, he learned how pharmaceuticals affect the body’s tissues, including the brain, muscles, nerves and more.

While working as a pharmaceutical sales representative, he read in the March 16, 2003 edition of The New York Times Magazine (pages 29-31) Lisa Sanders, MD states that the dean of her medical school said “Half of what we teach you here is wrong – unfortunately, we don’t know which half.

Just as uncertain as the flip of a coin, Gerald realized that the use of chemical based medicines is a risky feat and left his role as a drug rep. He regained his conscience and devoted the next chapter of his career researching the real cause of disease and illness. In doing so, he found non-chemical based solutions to most health challenges, resulting in the achievement of optimal health and vitality.

After studying whole food nutrition to improve the body’s natural healing ability at the molecular level, he opened his nutritional practice. He noticed that his clients presented symptoms that resembled the side effects of their prescribed medications. He further speculated that some of their symptoms and diseases may have been caused by them.

Now, after thousands of successful nutritional successes, Gerald teaches holistic health care practitioners the application of whole food nutrition.

The Pharmaceutical Myth is a journey to understanding the key information we all must know about pharmaceuticals, the underlying cause of illness and real solutions to restoring our health.